A poster a day - Day 51 - 55 | By Kayankwok
发起人:kayankwok  回复数:0   浏览数:1788   最后更新:2016/11/25 20:55:57 by kayankwok
[楼主] kayankwok 2016-11-25 20:55:57

Kayan Kwok is an artist, art director based in Hong Kong.

The co-founder of " a k e k e " .She has been doing a project called “ A poster a day for 365 days ” by making a poster per day till it hit 365 days.

Vintage, retro, pin up, collage are the keywords for her works, she also is fascinated by the advertisement during the 1920 – 1960 in American. Therefore her work reflected certain element from back then but then she also added some graphic design element, which make it different from traditional collage.

Collage has a surrealism background, but other then that, it also act like Alchemy, because you are putting stuff together from different places and times, the result is clearly unpredictable and this is what makes collage so fascinated.

" A poster a day" 是一個每天創造一張海報,一路創作直到365天。

懷 舊就好像一種再創作,將以前的東西重新再構成,再做出一樣新的東西出來,上世紀1900到1970的東西。 1900年人們仍然穿著victorian dresses,然後去到1920年代,她們穿著的裙子特別帶的帽子就很cocochanel,再加一條很長的珍珠鍊,你也會覺得很漂亮,因為每一個年代 都有它獨特的元素,它的符號,它的味道在裡面。

再到1950年代,瑪麗蓮夢露那時,就很流行一種叫pipup的東西,那些pip up girl通長穿著bikini很性感,你把不同的元素收集在一起的時候其實你會覺得很奇怪,但是每一樣東西都是來自不同的時代和空間,你把它們集合在一起 再重新構成的時候,就會有一種煉金術的味道在裡面,其實這就像collage一樣。有不知名的東西產生不確定的東西。

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Instagram @ mskayankwok


