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[楼主] 石涛讲故事 2014-04-18 18:58:21



How much is a painting worth? The market value does not depend on how beautiful it is, or how authentic or rare it is.Beauty may contribute to market value, but only transitively through the more fundamental cultural significance.The market value depends on a necessary coincidence of two factors; cultural significance and scarcity. In this first article I discuss cultural significance. Later this week, I will continue with scarcity.

2014年4月5日香港苏富比拍卖会:张晓刚的《血缘:大家庭3号》以1210万美元刷新其个人世界拍卖纪录。The record-breaking $12.1M sale of Zhang Xiaogang’s Bloodline: Big Family No. 3 at Sotheby’s Hong Kong on April 5, 2014.

如何衡量一幅画的价值/ How much is a painting worth?


Sometimes a painting or a sculpture sells for a surprising price. Why does one painting sell for millions of dollars while another sits discarded in a garage beside the children’s bicycles? What determines awork’s market value?

威廉·德·库宁《女人III》,1951-19532006年这幅画以1.37亿美金售于收藏家史蒂芬·A·科恩创下了世界画作拍卖史上的第三高价。Willem De Kooning, Woman III, 1951-1953. In 2006 this sold for $137.5M to collector StevenA. Cohen. It is currently the third-most expensive painting ever sold.


The question “what is the market value of this work?” is different from the question “is this work artistically valuable?” Market value and artistic value are two different though connected things.

市场价值不是艺术价值/ Market value is not artistic value


Leo Tolstoy’s ideas on artistic value are among the more influential. In “What is Art?” (1897) he argues that a work has artistic value if it communicates sincere feeling and unites people in common feeling. This value measure differentiates art from other forms of speech, and also advertising, propaganda, and stuff that fires the more base feelings like gore or porn.

艺术价值的衡量方式决定艺术周期 / Artistic value measures define artistic periods

欧仁·德拉克罗瓦萨丹纳帕路斯之死1827年。萨丹纳帕路斯之死》是浪漫主义时期名画之一,浪漫主义时期重在表现感觉和激情Eugène Delacroix, Death of Sardanapalus, 1827. This is a famous painting of the Romantic period. The Romantic period valued feeling and intense emotion.

尔斯泰对于艺术价值的衡量标准只是众多标准中的一个。艺术价值的衡量标准随着时间的推移发生着改变。艺术价值取决于艺术周期,而艺术周期由艺术品自身独特 的价值来定义。当代艺术价值的体现与浪漫主义时期和古典主义时期的艺术价值体现有所不同。在艺术价值的体现方面:有些时期更注重艺术品的真实性而非古典 美;有些时期则将艺术家真实情感的表露放在首位。一个时期艺术价值的衡量标准受到众多因素的影响。这些因素包含经济、技术、历史、文化、宗教等。艺术周期 由不同的艺术价值衡量标准决定。艺术价值的衡量标准决定了不同的艺术周期

Tolstoy’s measure of artistic value is just one of many possible measures. Measures of artistic value change with the times. An artistic period is defined by its unique value measure. Artistic value in the romantic period is different from artistic value in the classical period and that is different from artistic value today. One period may value truth over classical beauty while another may put the most weight on the sincerity of the artist’s voice. A period’s artistic value measure is influenced by a wide number of factors. These factors include economics, technology, history, culture, and religion. Periods are just different artistic value measures. Value measures define periods.


In contrast with artistic value, the market value tells us the work’s exchange value in cash. How much would we expect someone to pay to purchase the work? Market value and artistic value are different but connected.

决定市场价值的两种因素 / Two factors decide market value

保罗·塞尚《玩纸牌的人》1892-1893.这幅油画在2011年以2亿5千900万美金售于卡塔尔。这幅油画创下了油画拍卖史上最高价。Paul Cézanne,The Card Players, 1892-1893. It was sold in 2011 for $259M to the State of Qatar. It currently ranks as the most expensive painting ever sold.


There are two factors that determine an art work’s market value. Firstly, the cultural significance of the work, and secondly, its scarcity. These two factors are not exogenous variables. Manipulating them to influence market value is part of the art world process. Many people’s livelihoods depend on this process.

一个人站立在巴尼特·纽曼的《安娜的光》(1968)面前。2013年,这幅画以1.057亿美金私下成交。在世界画作成交中排名第17位A man standing in front of Barnett Newman's Anna's Light (1968). In 2013, this was sold privately for $105.7M. Currently, this ranks as the 17th most expensive painting sold.


Whether or not a property of a work, such as its beauty,influences market value depends on how that property first influences the work's cultural significance. The influence on market value is transitive through cultural significance, and that connection is moderated by the period's artistic value measure. Consider Barnett Newman'sAnna's Light pictured above. It would likely not have sold for the equivalent of $105.7M in Ancient Greece or 19th century London. Those were different artistic periods with different artistic values, and those different values would have moderated a much lesser cultural significance.


However, it would be naïve to believe that works achieve cultural significance based solely on how well they meet the artistic values of the time.

制造文化影响性 / Manufacturing cultural significance


A work's cultural significance can come chaotically and accidentally with no effort, but this is rare and unlikely. More often, cultural significance is manufactured through systematic planning, lots of work, and skilled communication. To manufacture cultural significance the art world distributes information via critical channels. Critical channels are typically second-order channels. Second-order means the channels do not distribute works but rather information about works. In contrast, a first-order channel is a channel for distributing the work itself. Cultural significance is manufactured using critical channels.

怀特·本杰明(德国,1892 - 1940是一位作家和文学评论家。他对美学理论研究有着不朽的贡献。他的作品在艺术和文学理论研究中占有重要的地位。Walter Benjamin (German, 1892 - 1940) was a literary critic and essayist. He made enduring contributions to aesthetic theory. Commenting on theories of art and literature, his work is a higher-order channel.


Works are information so a second-order channel is a stream of information about information. There can even be third-order channels. An example is a philosophical work about art criticism. From this example it’s clear that cycles can develop making it impossible to uniquely count the levels. So in general we differentiate between first-order and higher-order channels of order two or higher. The higher the order the more academic and abstract the channel becomes as it gets farther away from first-order work.

杰克逊·波洛克《第五号》,1948。 2006年这件作品以1.4亿美元的价格售于收藏家大卫·马丁内斯。创下了世界拍卖史上的第二高价。评论家克莱门特·格林伯格的理论和评价对波洛克的成功起到了重要的作用。Jackson Pollock,No. 5, 1948. In 2006 this sold for $US140M to collector David Martinez. It is currently the second-most expensive painting ever sold.The writing and theories of critic Clement Greenberg were influential in Pollock's success.


Critical channels can be of order higher than two. Even though these are often about works specifically, they can have a massive influence on market value by shifting the artistic value measure. An example of this is Clement Greenberg's criticism and how that manufactured the emergence of abstract expressionism.


There are many different critical channels. Some examples include academia, museums, the media, public critics, and self-promotion. The art system is a competitive world and everyone competes for significance using the same critical channels. Over time and with technological change, new channels emerge and the relative importance of the different channels has waxed and waned over time.


Promotional channels also higher-order channels, but they differ from critical channels. Critical channels carry the signal of cultural significance while promotional channels only represent economic power. Promotional channels can help sell work and spread information about time and place events, but they have much less of a lasting impact on culture. Nobody in the art world takes vanity galleries seriously. Similarly, a paid advertisement in Artforum magazine isn't something anyone would consider representative of cultural significance.

曼哈顿惠特尼美国艺术博物馆。惠特尼美国艺术博物馆是一个非常有影响力的评论渠道The Whitney Museum of American Art in Manhattan. The Whitney is an influential critical channel.


Museums and galleries are two very difference kinds of channels. The difference is not in the size of the building or whether the funding is public or private.A gallery can be public or private and so can a museum.Similarly, the essence of both a gallery and a museum is not it's building. Some of them don't even have buildings.The essential difference between a gallery and a museum is that a museum is a critical channel while a gallery is a first-order channel. A museum distributes information about works — manufacturing cultural significance — while a gallery distributes the works themselves. Museums are a crucial channel for manufacturing cultural significance. Galleries on the other hand perform an important economic function but do not manufacture cultural significance.

"虚荣"展览是博物馆的自杀行为 / Vanity exhibitions are suicide for a museum


Today in Beijing some institutions that call themselves museums will accept vanity shows. Really these institutions are what is called a "vanity gallery".A vanity show is a show put on for an artist that is paid for by the artist or an agent representing the artist. The purpose is to promote the artist and the artist’s work. This is really a museum acting as a gallery.


Critical channels for sale will destroy themselves. Just imagine if an accounting firm put its audit results up for sale. In addition to being immoral and possibly illegal, this runs against the long-term interests of the accounting firm. The value of an accounting firm is that it verifies and reports the truth. If what they provide is no longer the truth, but modified by some external force, then the accounting firm’s service no longer has value.


It’s the same for a museum. The museum’s truth is cultural significance. If the system no longer trusts it to report that truth then the museum has lost its value and role in the system.

为什么艺术世界不能摆脱物质实体/ Why is the art world wedded to the physical object?

杜尚的作品《泉》的创作灵感来源于小便池。这件充满争议的作品引发了有关艺术的本质和画廊的作用的思考。摄影:阿尔弗雷德·斯蒂格里茨,纽约市,1917年Duchamp's "Fountain" is a urinal turned on its side. This work was controversial and provoked fundamental questions about both the nature of art and the role of galleries. Photograph by Alfred Stieglitz. New York City, 1917.


Critical channels need to carefully protect their own reputations, but artists and galleries also need to be careful how they use these critical channels. The biggest risk is not infamy or overexposure. Andy Warhol showed that popular media can be used promiscuously without necessarily compromising the integrity or sincerity of the work. The biggest risk is also not being ineffective and wasting money or time. Rather, the biggest risk comes from technology and how it can eliminate scarcity. Works are increasingly digitized, but a digital work will not be able to sustain a high market value if it’s available in perfect form on the internet. Critical channels used without care may undermine scarcity and therefore damage market value.

安迪·沃霍尔以大众媒体渠道为内容同时使用其来推销他的作品。鲍勃·迪伦沃霍尔的工厂里拿着安迪·沃霍尔的作品《双面猫王》,纽约市,1965年Andy Warhol mastered using popular media channels both as content and to promote his work. Bob Dylan holding a copy of Andy Warhol's Double Elvis. At Warhol's Factory, NYC, 1965.


The next article will continue this discussion looking at the role of scarcity.
