【上午艺术空间】练习迷失 Practice to Get Lost
发起人:amspacesh  回复数:0   浏览数:2654   最后更新:2011/03/30 12:54:27 by amspacesh
[楼主] amspacesh 2011-03-30 12:54:27



"......如果你想在城市里迷失,就像一个人迷失在森林里那样,则需要练习......” 上世纪前叶,瓦尔特·本雅明(Walter Benjamin)在《世纪之交的柏林童年》(A Berlin Childhood Around the Turn of the Century)之始这样写道,作为一个有着典型忧郁症气质的哲学家,他在自己想象铺设的个人关系地图中训练如何通向迷津的进口。

当然,21世纪的上海绝没有现代主义忧郁症,然而4位艺术家遇到了一个地下室,他们却也试图以自己的方法练习通向一种迷津,他们的生活状态以及创作都显得有些放任,缺少计划和过度理想化,又笨拙于逻辑阐释。艺术家在此放任自己的思路像游吟诗人一般游走在这个错落的空间里,自言自语,时断时续,却又能柳暗花明。排除既定思路的牵绊,更多偶然性的因素构成了作品的气质。借用《单向街》里的那句"在所有事物中,都应该由含糊不清替代真确明晰。" 难道说一路捡拾而来的闪烁就不是智慧。这些能量可能来自于我们的文化一向肯定的精神层面的自由。


参展艺术家:梁硕,徐喆,殷漪,Hugo Dalton



开幕:2011年4月24日 周日下午4点-7点

Practice to Get Lost

Restart Exhibition of am art space

Walter Benjamin once wrote that we need to learn how to get lost in a city as in a forest, you need to learn how to find the paths and trails that cross the city in . Being a philosopher with a vein of melancholy, Benjamin trains himself to find the entrance of maze in the personal link map on his mind.

The 21century Shanghai has no modernism depression at all. However, artists meet a basement space, they train themselves to get into maze. Their life and works are a kind of apolaustic, lack of plans, too idealist, poor of logically explaining. They free their thoughts in this special space just like bards, think aloud, off and on, but hard change into better. More factor of chanciness composes these art works. “All things will resolve themselves into ambiguity.” The energy may come from the positive spiritual freedom be confirmed by our culture.

—— Chao Jiaxing

Artists: Liang Shuo, Xu Zhe, Yin Yi, Hugo Dalton

Curator: Chao Jiaxing

Time: Apr 24 – Jul 3, 2011

Opening: 4pm-7pm, Sunday, Apr 24
am art space 上午艺术空间

BF, 50B Fengxian Rd, Shanghai200041, China
T: 8621 63842432

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Blog: blog.sina.com.cn/amspacesh
email: amspacesh@yahoo.com.cn
