发起人:何昊远(何锐军)  回复数:0   浏览数:2037   最后更新:2011/02/01 16:06:47 by 何昊远(何锐军)
[楼主] 何昊远(何锐军) 2011-02-01 16:06:47




在绘画和雕塑方面,西方当前的解构主义艺术表现的很繁杂,它植根于立体派绘画和雕塑,又吸收了达达的虚无主义,是把从前奉行的结构体系分析拆解,然后以新的概念把拆解得碎片重新组建成作品。(这种方式与其诞生前半个多世纪前由毕加索和布拉克(BRAQUE )在巴黎共同研究成立的立体主义(CUBISM )看起来有些相似,但文化的结局却有根本的不同!立体艺术艺术把艺术的单一视点描绘发展到多视点,从而彻底打开了现代艺术之门。西方的解构主义也是把对象进行分解,再以油画和雕塑的形式表现这些碎片的组合体,但却无法超越现代主义也没能贴切的表现出解构主义的内涵。
















The current state of Western Deconstructionist Art, the problems it face and its relationship to my personal artistic exploration.

Western Deconstructionist Art has both been harshly criticized by Modernism and Post-Modernism as well as abused by the trends of Commercialism. It was therefore not been able to ‘stand on its feet’ and exercise real influence during the short time gap between the death of modernism and its replacement by Post-Modernism and Globalization. It seems like Deconstructionist Art was buried soon after it appeared. Contemporary Deconstructionist Art is striving to break through the barriers of a one dimensional order. It is clear that this order is not merely social, such as in the case of moral order, order in marriage, and social interactions but it also refers to the order in individual consciousness such as habits in creativity, customs of recognizing the other, thinking patterns as well as the abstract elements in our cultural foundations which determine the sub conscious characteristic of a nation. It strives to dismantle the current order in a quest to re-establish a more relevant and harmonious one. The Deconstructionist is not ‘parasitic’ in nature but rather a tailor and an innovator. He shatters the Metaphysical world view of the West in a way that it can never return to its original and problematic state. It is in this sense that he is different from the Dadaists who created a binary dualism devoid of positive constructive elements such as in Deconstructionism.

In the domain of painting and sculpture the current state of western Deconstructionist Art is in a state of disarray. It is rooted in Cubist painting and sculpture while it also absorbs elements of Dadaist nihilism. The Deconstructionist takes a certain structure, breaks it down, and then reconstructs the pieces into a work of art from a completely new and fresh angle. This may seem like what Picasso and Braque did in Paris at the beginning of the 20th century with Cubism but it actually has completely different cultural implications. Cubism moved art from a one dimensional focal point to a multiple focal point perspective and therefore opened the gates of modern art wide open. Western Deconstructionism did something similar as it expressed the harmony and compatibility of different elements and motifs in painting and sculpture but it did not manage to transcend the boundaries of Modernism and to express it true inner potential as Cubism has.

Currently the mode of expression of deconstructionist art is to gradually construct the objects of modern art by transforming their daily and mundane application into symbols and finally to arrive at their destruction. Although it gives much attention to the exploration of features such as color and brush work, the influence of Dadaism and Nihilism on its character are far too great. This is especially true regarding these movements’ belief that creativity has no practical use whatsoever and their over reliance on contingency and randomness. Today the understanding of Deconstructionist art is extremely mechanical and shallow. Most people think its something like a little kid who dismantles his father’s watch into many small components and pieces and is unable to return them to their original state. This association with fragmentation has caused people to associate it with Cubism and Dadaism which is, as stated before, the main reason for deconstructionism’s inability to realize it inherent potential.

Derrida said the Deconstructionism does not try to replace Structuralism or metaphysics, according to him it couldn’t do that even if it tried. Therefore the best way to treat it is not as a doctrine but simply as a conscious reassessment of our habitual way of looking at civilization. Deconstructionism opposes authority, opposes the admiration of rationality, opposes narrow dualisms and modern distinctions, it claims that since differences are more illusionary than real, there is a need to treat the world in an open minded approach which stresses diversity and progressive thought. It is not a trend of thought that strives to smash everything into bits and pieces, as many tend to think. On the contrary, deconstructionism strongly believes that tradition is something that can never be discarded but that future generations simply need to use new prisms to look at it. It also asks us to acknowledge that there is no solitary truth in the world and that we are not allowed to stop people from pursuing their ideals in diverse ways. Deconstructionism is like the Chinese “Dao” (The Way), its a type of world view and a level of consciousness. It is not a mechanical principle that can be operated but rather a world view that rebels against conservatism, and simplistic distinctions, it sees the cosmos as an organism in constant flux and regeneration. It tirelessly constructs, deconstructs and then reconstructs; it is a force of destruction as a preview and prerequisite to creation.

Contemporary Deconstructionism is in dire need of an overhaul in order to re-establish its creative power. It must get rid of the remnants of Cubism and Dadaism in painting and sculpture and base itself on the foundations and great achievements of Deconstructionism in architecture. It needs to stress dialogue and reciprocity, it needs to search deep inside the depth of history in the repository of ancient culture, it needs to explore historical modes of art and traditional sensibilities and it especially needs to tap into traditional symbols in search for new methods of expression. Obviously we need to acknowledge the fact that a work of art is a kind of text, so it is crucial to have a certain grammar, meaning, and intonation in order to inject it with meaning. The main goal and target of any piece of art is to manufacture some kind of meaning and significance but this meaning can frequently be misinterpreted and misunderstood. Therefore the meaning which is conveyed and transmitted by works of art is not really reliable. One symbol can point at a diverse range of meanings. So how can an artist really transmit his emotions and inner sensibilities to the world outside? According to Deconstructionism language just like art is an unreliable domain, so the question still stands: How does one construct a trustworthy artistic vocabulary? How can the artist remain sincere towards his or her history and cultural resources? These are all questions that we must continue to explore and contemplate!

Below I discuss the deconstructionist features in my art:

What I try to do in my art is to reconstruct Buddhist thought from a scientific point of view. I try to use a new template and model to understand traditional thought from a new point of view in an attempt to establish a new cultural atmosphere. From the point of view of science we are well aware today that matter is really composed of infinitesimal particles of light. Our physical world is in the midst of a fluctuating and ever changing wave, it does not have a concrete, tangible and enduring single existence. Our lives, as well as our world are merely ‘events’ this is a scientific truism that goes hand in hand with the Buddhist notion of ‘Illusion’ (Maya). The inner reality of an atom is identical with our solar system and with our universe as a whole. This multi leveled character of reality, makes a world look like a particle and a particle look like the whole cosmos. This is what the Buddhists mean when they talk about a multiplicity of universes and realities. This is the irony in the advancement of human knowledge, namely, the most cutting edge science seems to reach an agreement with the views of ancient religions. We still gaze at this world with the same mystery as in the far past. Reality, just like thousands of years ago, remains an enigma.

He Hao Yuan (Original name He Ruijun)
