发起人:驴小骑  回复数:0   浏览数:2211   最后更新:2007/09/28 05:47:11 by
[楼主] 驴小骑 2007-09-28 05:47:11
展出日期: 10月2日——10月11日
这个放映计划将展示威斯敏斯特大学新建的“电影艺术在线档案”( [url]http://www.artsonfilm.org.uk)。该档案由AHRC赞助,工作地点设在CREAM(威斯敏斯特大学艺术与媒体研究教育中心)。该档案目前从英格兰艺术委员会电影收藏中抽取了465部纪录片。这是对英国以及世界战后艺术,以及英国纪录片创作的一部独具特色的档案。档案包含了很罕见的艺术家个人资料,还有为这些影片所做的权威点评。放映结束后还会有由John Wyver(新书《Vision on: 英国的电影、电视以及艺术》的作者)主持的艺术家和电影摄制者的台上对话。


James Scott
Richard Hamilton, 1969
courtesy Arts Council England
Copyright: Richard Hamilton 2007, All rights reserved, DACS

Tuesday 2 October 2007, 18.30

Richard Hamilton
James Scott, UK 1969, 25 mins
Made in collaboration with the artist Richard Hamilton, this documentary remains vivid and surprising nearly forty years on. Fragments of Hamilton's works are integrated with newsreel images, movie trailers and other footage from the period. The artist offers an audio-only commentary, but this too is layered and disrupted. From this disorienting and often funny patchwork emerges a perceptual analysis that avoids conventional explanation, yet reveals key ideas that shaped Hamilton's art.

The Great Ice Cream Robbery
James Scott, UK 1971, 35 mins
This rarely seen film, projected on two screens, was made in the summer of 1970 while Claes Oldenburg was in London setting up his retrospective at the Tate Gallery. It was the last film in a quartet of collaborations with artists that included David Hockney, RB Kitaj, and Richard Hamilton.

Wednesday 3 October 2007, 18.30

Bill Brandt: Shadows from Light
Steve Dwoskin, UK 1983, 59 mins
'A cinematographic journey through the photographic atmospheres of Bill Brandt' by renowned experimental filmmaker Steve Dwoskin. Many of the photographer's most famous images are presented, along with Brandt himself, who died in December 1983. Much of the film is a succession of glistening, high contrast monochrome frames, echoing Brandt抯 style and blurring the boundary between the photographs and the film's photography. There are quotations too, about photography, from Man Ray, Susan Sontag, Edward Steichen, plus a child reading fragments from Alice Through the Looking Glass. Shadows from Light, like Lewis Carroll, is mysterious and haunting, innocent yet rewardingly complex.

Tuesday 16 October 2007, 18.30

Music and Performance Films
Throughout the 1990s, the Arts Council collaborated with BBC Television on a number of successful series of imaginative short films bringing together creative filmmakers with dancers, choreographers, musicians and performance artists. Included in the programme are Blight made by John Smith with composer Jocelyne Pook, Jayne Parker's The World Turned Upside Down, David Hinton and Rosemary Lee's work of documentary choreography, Snow, as well as John Tchalenko's delightful tribute to step-dancer Sam Sherry.

With support from CREAM at University of Westminster, and the Arts and Humanities
Research Council.
