纽约艺术家Rob Pruitt:"样式与堕落"
发起人:ba-ba-ba  回复数:1   浏览数:1151   最后更新:2010/09/21 18:50:45 by guest
[楼主] cucme 2010-09-15 10:48:58


开幕酒会:2010年09月18日 星期六 20:00—22:00
地点: 西五艺术中心
地址: 北京市朝阳区三里屯西五街5号F座 100027


陈昕朋: 掉队里,挣钱掉队;挣钱里胡同串子掉队;胡同串子里普通人掉队;普通人里掉队掉队。
梁硕: 晚上回到家 坐在豪华沙发上 嚼上一杯黄豆压上一盘子凉水 就开始放屁 想来个贝老师的命运 咋弄也调不准 但老想练 哼 就喜欢那种震荡感 上街练也丢不丢人。
邵康: 我感兴趣的是这些无意义的游戏,就像撒尿和泥放屁崩坑一样,只有更无聊才能战胜无聊。
王光乐: 掉队这样开会:从飞机聊到天空,从天空聊到蓝色,从蓝色聊到某人裤衩,从裤衩聊到央视最后散会。
张兆宏: 是不是是不是是不是是不是是不是是不是是不是是不是是不是是不是是不是是不是是不是?。
周翊: 角色轮换,孙悟空,猪八戒,白骨精,沙僧,白龙马,土地,精细鬼伶俐虫,人参果,太上老君,全对上。
董菁: 认认真真地做自己真真正正认为的非常非常好 还有机会看着别人的作品乐 可惜饭局太少。

信息联络人: 周亚男 Orchild Zhou
电话: +86 10 64603950
传真: +86 10 64603951
网址: www.C5Art.com
mail: orchild.zhou@c5art.com

[ The 5th Falling Behind Show ]

Exhibition Period: 18th September, 2010 – 10th October, 2010
Opening Reception: 18th September, 2010 Saturday 20:00-22:00
Venue: C5Art
Address: Building F,Xiwu Street, 5 Sanlitun
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100027

From September 18th to October 10th, 2010, C5Art is presenting [ The 5th Falling Behind Show] –a group of exhibition. This time, we would like every team member to talk about how do they think about the group.

Chen Xin Peng: Left Behind, the money left behind; money in alley child left behind series, alley yard ordinary people left behind series, ordinary people in stragglers left behind.
Liang Shuo: At home sitting on the couch, chewing on luxury pressure plate of a glass of soy son of wanted to come to a cold water began to fart teacher's fate Zenong Tony also wanted to practice the old tune, but not allowed to hum on the streets like the kind of training is also a sense of shock lost not lose face.
SHAO Kang: I am interested in these meaningless games, like pee and mud pit collapse, like fart, only more boring to overcome boredom.
Wang Guangle: Left Behind this meeting: talk to the sky from the aircraft, talk to the blue from the sky, talk to someone from the blue pants, underpants talk to the CCTV from the final closing.
Zhang Zhaohong: Is not is not is not is not is not is not is not is not is not is not is not is not it? .
Zhou Yi: The role of rotation, Monkey, Pig, Skeleton Demon, Drifting, white Longma, land, fine spirits clever insects, ginseng fruit, Lord Lao Zi, the whole of the last.
Dong Jing: Seriously really do think its very, very good chance to look at other people's works of music Unfortunately, too few dinner.

Above content was a Chinese paragraph directly translated by google’s translate engine, under artists wish. If you care for more information about the exhibition, please contact us.

Contact: Orchid Zhou
Phone: +86 10 64603950
Fax: +86 10 64603951
Web: www.C5Art.com
Email: info@c5art.com
