发起人:老武搬运  回复数:0   浏览数:3099   最后更新:2010/08/24 16:40:45 by 老武搬运
[楼主] oui 2010-08-24 16:40:45

Jonathan Borofsky是美国知名艺术家,其大型雕塑作品在全球公共艺术领域首屈一指,最有代表性的作品是“Walking to the Sky",以蓝天白云作背景,从地面向天空斜竖起二三十米的柱子,上端塑着一个彩色的正往高空行走的人,这是1992年德国卡塞尔文献展最标志性的作品


Human Structures
Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park

Five Large Paintings
Deitch Projects

People Tower
Beijing Olympic Park

Walking to the Sky

Human Structures
Mission Street, San Francisco

Hammering Man

Human Structures
PYO Gallery Beijing

Molecule Man
Spree River, Berlin

Human Structures
PYO Gallery Seoul

Humanity in Motion
Comcast Center, Philadelphia, PA

Voices for Beijing
8:08 Video with Music

Human Structures
Deitch Projects

Freedom (Male / Female)
Offenburg, Germany

Human Structures
Carnegie Museum of Art

Walking to the Sky
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Works in Progress + More

1 Hour Video Documentary

Walking Man
Verden, Germany

Male / Female
Penn Station, Baltimore

I Dreamed I Could Fly
Toronto International Airport

Walking to the Sky
Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas

Molecule Man
Council Bluffs, Iowa

Human Structures
Drawings and Prints

Walking Man

Fish With Ruby Eye
Saint John the Divine Cathedral, NYC

Human Structures
Bad Homburg Kurpark, Germany

Hammering Man
Messeturm, Frankfurt

Male / Female
Bielefeld, Germany

Four Gods Project
Kiyomizu Temple, Japan

Ballerina Clown
Venice, California

Gemini GEL
Selected Works

Selected Individual Works
Past & Present


Many Gods
Paintings, Drawings and Prints

Selected Installations
Many Exhibitions From The Past

Legacy Web Site
Circa 2004
