发起人:莫奇奇  回复数:5   浏览数:2556   最后更新:2009/12/05 05:19:17 by guest
[楼主] 面包超人 2009-12-01 15:03:09
作者:Josep 来源:艺术国际





Hi Lü,
I can imagine the discussions about CAAC, I'm sure that are the same than here, but you are more than people there!
Let me told you what I know from the European system of culture.
This system is mainly public, big Museums and Big money comes from Government.
Actually, Culture is a mix of arts, dance, theatre, cinema and all kind of cultural expressions. Therefore, in the case of CAAC is much better because there is only one type of media. Here most of the discussions came about the weight of each media regarding representatives and the part of the money's pie!
To organise that there are two systems: Mainland Europe and Anglo-Saxon.
The European one is centralise all the power in the Culture Ministry. They are responsible directly of the Heads of the Museum, the Budgets, how distribute them and decide which kind of art/culture promote.
The Anglo-Saxon is to create an "Arts Councils". An organisation with people from culture to manage a big part of the pie, advice the Ministry and propose for example the Heads of the Museums. Apparently they have to be independent and without influence of the Government, but the money comes at the end from Government and they are appointed by it or the Parliament (but in any case by politicians and mostly by the Party on charge at that moment).
In Spain there exists a centralised Ministry of Culture and in the Catalonia Autonomous Government there exists an Arts Council. By the way the Head dismissed a few months after been nominated because the Ministry cut budgets and wanted to influence him (see article in word document).
I think that all this things happens in east and western, to be Chinese or European, black or whites, doesn't matter. It's part of the human nature.
Why there appointed this ones and not this others? Why there are more representative from this kind of art or this other? Why there are or not representative from any category involved in art: curators, exhibitors, artists, critics, galleries...? Why the Ministry wants to control more or less? Why we can not manage this amount of money or this other? Why we advice about that but the Ministry decides that other thing? and much more...
In the case of China I think is a good thing. For the first time Contemporary art is considered by the Government. People inside are among the most important painters.Ye Yongqing appears to me an intellectual with open mind (I'm based on your biography). What they can do? What they will be able form the Government to do? Will be centralised or will exists more Councils at Province level? They will decide or have a strong advice about which policy to follow?
Will they have a strong advice on how invest public money? Will they decide in which activities invest or not? Why they supported this activity and not this other? A lot of questions when something new starts, but always is like this. At least contemporary art will be more known to the Chinese whole society and that's good for artist, for curators, for Museums... for all the people involved in the Arts. Moreover, if the Central Government approves this Council, I'm sure the Provinces will follow, so more acknowledgement about Art, and the discussions afterwards will only contribute to a more acknowledgement by people. Ok, if you are interested inside this world will be tough to discuss with others and fight for support and so on, but is always like this. If the only thing they were able to do is to expand the interest for Contemporary art and give to it a better visibility, CAAC will be already a success.
I've already explain you my visit, just 4 years ago, to 798 area when started. Our driver doesn't know where to go, our guide nor. When we entered to the Galleries (well, a kind of small and empty spaces!) this girl discovered a new world that never before know about it, and she was young, smart, open minded and with University career. Now, you build Museums, Exhibitions flowered around all China and abroad, Government starts this CAAC...
It's true that Government, there and here, try to embrace the maximum of our activities, and China could not be different. But in your case the direction is the contrary, from a unique and centralised policy, they open an small door. It's impossible to fight against, it's sterile. The power of the Governments it's everywhere too huge. But what it's possible to do is collaborate to make the door wider and bigger and bigger, and if it's needed to fight, much better from inside to promote change than outside. History of the political transition in Spain show us that maybe the changes won't be so high and radical, but at least changes, and it's easier but less spectacular to do it inside. A lot of times we think that the time is finishing by now, and the time is a long way ahead of us. Discussion are interesting now, but, you probably know as historian, that with the time things and fights become viewed with more relativity and achievements will be more positive evaluated than idealisms or theories much more difficult to achieve fully and immediately. You call me a pragmatic, but we had a tough transition in Spain in late 70's and beginning 80's and the approach of "pragmatic" people was more successful than "idealists". And this theory can be applied at any Institution or, let me say, also Company. When I used to be Marketing Director my better successes and what I teaching to my colleagues and employees was always: First the Moon, after Mars! And I can assure you than a lot of people doesn't understand this simple principle, they always wanted to do things too difficult to achieve without first consolidate position and do the things were be possible, for them was better not to act in order to follow a dream rather than act.

Below a few links:
I think that the Catalan one is quite interesting because it's the most recent experience. (this front page translated in word document using Google tools).

Centralised cultural policies in France and Spain. Not Arts councils there.

Warm regards

