发起人:水zhu  回复数:1   浏览数:2420   最后更新:2008/02/27 07:15:44 by
[楼主] 小站 2008-02-27 07:15:00

展厅地址:北京市朝阳区草场地村319-1艺术东区A区内 100015
电话:+86 10 64320091
传真:+86 10 81459360

Self-Experience –Young Artists Group Show
Artists: Bao Yongliang, Bi Jianye, Chen Yongwei, Huang Liang, Li Yan, Liang Bing, Lin Fangsuo, Lu Zhengyuan, Luo Haiming/Qiu Shiming, Ou Wenting, Wei Honglei/Guan Xiao, Ye Nan, Zhou Yilun

Opening Party:3pm,08th,Mar.2008
Venue:Platform China-space
Address:East End ArtZone/319-1 Caochangdi Village/Chaoyang District/Beijing,100015
Tel:+86 10 64320091
Fax:+86 10 81459360
[沙发:1楼] 小站 2008-03-01 07:56:06
[板凳:2楼] 小站 2008-03-01 07:59:42
[地板:3楼] 小站 2008-03-01 08:02:55
更正:尉洪磊 汉语拼音念作 Yu Honglei
[4楼] 小站 2008-03-01 10:19:08






Platform China Contemporary Art Institute is pleased to present its first exhibition in 2008 with a group show of fifteen dynamic young artists from all over the country. These artists are full of keenness, energy, willpower, impulse, passion, creativity and even hormones. They have strong consciousness of self-expression and they are respect for their perception to take the trouble to convey the multivocal self-experiences, which originating from vision, hearing, taste, touch, perception and so on. Their experiences may not be perfect, but they are diligent on research. They inquire about all the things around them: Is “experience” only someone’s own? Where is the starting point of wisdom? Where is the destination of thinking? Does reality exist? Is actuality reliable?

These young artists used a variety of media as the language to make their works so charming:

Bi Jianye sets up a fairyland with no panic and troubles, so as to release the imagination allodiality; Huang Liang creates his self-world among many realistic and unrealistic scenes, however, he is not redundantly concentrate on the languages of painting itself; Li Yan works like an editor, he looks each of his paintings as the debris to make up the work, finally assembles the debris together under the manner that he thought reasonable; Zhou Yilun is exploring the unlimited possibility of sex to provoke the conventional ethics. Although these artists who still keep using traditional methods –paintings, they show the different faces of art which reflecting a strong tension that take its source at intellect or proceed from instinct.

Bao Yongliang uses models and digital 3D photographic composition to create and hide a lot of black holes, describing people’s lost among the dense buildings in the city as well as the nostalgia for the lost; Chen Yongwei placed a hand-painted animation on the windows of obsolete establishments, the tranquility indoor contrasts to the rapid change outside the window, there is a loss by deception and trance; Liang Bing replaces the properties of goods and art works with the social rules and rights that he understood, giving a variety of possibilities to his creative object; Lin Fangsuo’s video enlarges the insects’ biological behavior – eating, to reflect mankind’s own desire; Lu Zhengyuan’s ambiguous sculpture tells a specious story, just like the soul divorced from the human body; Luo Haiming and Qiu Shiming set a closed space base on the information of an obsolete photo studio to show a farmer’s endless labor; Ou Wenting lets her privacy become public but destroys it at the meanwhile, makes the work full of the emotional characteristics; The couple Yu Honglei and Guan Xiao’s black-and-white photos cleaned up the time, so as to remember the modern people of the past human recollections in the ancient; Ye Nan relishes the drama and death in his photos, attempts to prove that people’s freedom is just a futile game likes the exercise, so that people unable to stop in the story he had set.

These artists make a psychosexuality on others’ images that reflect by the mirror in the heart, think alone far away from the phan, launch the Challenge towards the established system of values. What unfold step by step in the front is the road they have not yet completed.

Platform China extended its exhibition spaces in early 2008, enlarged the main spaces up to 1,500 sqm. Self-Experience –Young Artists Group Show will open at the new exhibition Space A and Space B. This exhibition will open at 3pm on the 8th of March, and will continue through 20th of April, 2008.
[5楼] 王轩 2008-03-03 06:46:28