发起人:artforum精选  回复数:0   浏览数:1342   最后更新:2015/09/10 15:25:11 by artforum精选
[楼主] 展览预告 2015-09-10 15:25:11




Yang Xinguang will activate his work Black at 4pm this Sunday September 13th in Black Sesame Space.

Using sound as the main medium, this spatial work connects the gallery space with its external environment. Black suggests acceptance and disguise -  the experience of continuous inflation in a person’s body after having absorbed various information from society, the city and daily life. This is a black hole that we cannot see, linking the outside world with the self. Artist Yang Xinguang’s spatial and performance piece will generate a process which reminds us the presence of Black. Visitors are invited to respond on site to the experience of Black in their own ways.


展览时间: 2015年9月13日-27日

开幕及行为作品: 9月13日下午4点-7点

芝麻空间 / 激发研究所


预约联系: max@iprovoke.org 或18612838004

Exhibition period: Sept 13th - 27th, 2015
Opening and performance: Sunday, Sept 13th 4-7pm

Black Sesame Space / IFP
Heizhima hutong 13
Dongcheng District, Beijing

For a scheduled visit contact: max@iprovoke.org or 18612838004
