周金华油画作品展将在德国Neuffer am Park举行
发起人:深圳艺术网  回复数:4   浏览数:3059   最后更新:2010/09/20 21:30:43 by guest
[楼主] joyartone 2010-09-16 17:10:27
“Young Generation” : Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition (First Series)

出 品 人:王春燕
策 展 人:陈 默

“后生代”: 策 展 人:陈 默

No one is in doubt that the Chinese economy is growing stronger and stronger in the global environment, even though we still face some dissatisfaction. The growth of contemporary art cannot be set apart from the economy’s mainstream, in spite of the complex problems and contradictions within. Art is born from society, and it grows with economy. In this growth, individual development is active, but the overall trend is passive. How does art, with its diversity of growth, freedom of expression, and emphasis on the individuals, fit into the picture of societal needs? And how does art strike a balance between the spiritual values of sensibility and rationality? These are questions that constantly arise for the artists to find their own answers.

The naming of “Young Generation” stems from the “Elder Generation”; just like the alternation of seasons, one dynasty or era following another, and life’s cycles of metabolism, and the history of art, all have their persistent patterns. The continuous growth of art with all its vigor is developed as new artists and ideas gradually replace the old ones. After thirty years of endeavor and innovation by many artists, contemporary art has achieved the diversity it has today. These brilliant artists, who were themselves once the young generation, have become the elder generation and now lead the way for the young generation today. The elder should be revered, but the rising generation should also be respected because of the infinite promises and achievements that the young can have. This has become the adage of human evolution, of the society and morality.

This Invitational Exhibition is an attempt to find new potential in prospective young artists. Since this is the first series of the invitational exhibitions, many questions involving both the design and curation of art resources need to be pondered deeply. These questions include the amount of emphasis to put on visual effect and individuality, the profundity of concept and insight, the display of skills of the artists, the re-viewing of visual images, and the marketing effect of artworks’ value. Art changes as the society and economy evolve and transform, gaining new knowledge by experimenting and advancing by exploration. As the old saying that goes: From one comes two, from two comes three, and from three comes the universe. When we have the beginning, we will make progress, which leads us to accomplishment.


出 品 人:王春燕
策 展 人:陈 默
艺 术 家:王 尊 徐 波 张 聃 陈 芸 杨文萍 栗 子 黄 茹 孙嘉璇
杨方伟 曾 朴 何千里 杨家勇 尹 锋 龚 雷 石 罴 石金玲
联系电话:+86 10 5978 9788
网 址:www.joyart798.com

“Young Generation” : Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition (First Series)
Curator:Chen Mo
Artist : Wang Zun、 Xu Bo、 Zhang Dan、 Chen Yun、 Yang Wenping、 Li Zi、Huang Ru、 Sun Jiaxuan、 Yang Fang wei、 Zeng Pu、 He Qianli、 Yang Jiayong、Gong Lei、 Yin Feng、 Shi Pi、 Shi Jinling
Opening: 4pm, Wednesday, September29, 2010
Exhibition Dates:September 29—Dcember 1, 2010
Venue:JoyArt, Zone D10, 798 Art District, 4 Jiuxian Qiao Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Opening Hours:10am – 6pm, Tuesday – Sunday
Tel:+86 10 5978 9788
Email: joyart@yahoo.cn

[沙发:1楼] guest 2010-09-18 18:45:58
好鸡巴土 歇菜吧