Gabriel Orozco 在伦敦 white cube 的展览
发起人:嘿乐乐  回复数:1   浏览数:2025   最后更新:2006/11/01 06:34:06 by
[楼主] 嘿乐乐 2006-11-01 06:24:32
法国,梅斯 2006年10月30日讯 --

位于法国,梅斯的蓬皮杜新馆将于下周开工。日本建筑师Shigeru Ban为该馆设计的灵感源之于他有次在巴黎市场闲逛时看到的中国草帽。该馆的建筑预算为5千1百万美元。

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METZ, France, Oct. 30, 2006—Construction starts on the new Centre Pompidou-Metz next week, an architectural wonder to rival the original Pompidou in Paris, according to The Daily Telegraph.

Designed by Japanese architect Shigeru Ban, the $51 million Pompidou-Metz features a timber frame woven into a hexagonal lattice coated in a fiberglass skin, topped with a layer of Teflon. It includes a cone-shaped canopy soaring to meet a 250-foot central spire and three giant concrete tubes stacked on top of one another (each one housing a gallery), each pointing in a different direction.

There will also be huge center hall—capable of holding larger artwork—an auditorium, offices, restaurant and other spaces.

Ban said the museum’s design was inspired by a Chinese hat he came across in a Paris market.

“It was not so much the shape of the hat that interested me but the way that it was made,” Ban told the Telegraph. “It was not only the pattern but the structure itself, which is very light but can span big distances.”

The Daily Telegraph: Hats off to a new Pompidou centre
[沙发:1楼] 老姚 2006-11-01 09:18:34
这个太一般了吧!不算差,但是和一般的会所差不多了.完全没有老馆那时的新锐前卫了,终于被小日本给弄的平庸了 [s:55]